The documents must meet certain characteristics. Once you have selected the files, if there are several, the sum should not be greater than 150 MB. If it’s only one, it can’t be more than 100MB. Also, you can select a maximum of 20 files per conversion and holding down the Ctrl button. This website also allows you to cut, reorder, rotate, the pages of the XPS files. To carry out this task, you must observe the options that will be displayed on the right side of the selected file. After finishing with the preferences, we finish the conversion process. Pressing the red button “Convert”. Then you can choose several additional options, under the dotted area where it says “Preferences”, in this section you have the freedom to make adjustments such as: its compression level, the header, footer, the type of design, if it will have protection from read only among other features. This web page has the advantage of allowing you to convert a group of files at once, for this you press the button ” Select the files” up to the gray delimited area.